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Abortion...a constant debate

The morality of abortion has long been debated. One side is often headed by the religious fractions of the country who are trying to ban abortion and the other is more concerned with women's rights and the freedom of choice. I recently came across the video below and it really disturbed me.

The doctor in the video, pulls at the heart strings by referring to the fetus as "the baby" throughs the entire video. This video is aimed to make it seems like people who get an abortion are tearing apart a baby limb from limb in order to remove the fetus. This video is painting a picture of abortion that is a much more inhumane situation than what it actually is. First of all, 2nd trimester abortions are extremely rare and when they are done more often than not it is when the health of either the mother or that of the baby that is called into question. This type of video that vilifies the women who get abortions and emphasizes the horrific, is dangerous because it leads to misconceptions about abortion. Most abortions are done when the fetus is the size of a pea and is unrecognizable as a "baby."

This video is simply an illustration of how the debate about abortion is completely skewed and ridiculous. On one side, the "pro-life" contingency, they are making the argument that it is immoral to kill a baby and that "life" starts at conception. The other side is not arguing the opposite, that it is perfectly fine to kill a fetus, they are arguing for a woman's right to choose to have an abortion. Therefore, I assert that the entire debate about abortion is full of fallacies. These two ideas that you shouldn't have abortions and the fact that the woman has the right to choose are not mutually exclusive.

With the election looming close, a woman's right to choose is coming under fire again. Hillary Clinton supports a woman's right to make decisions regarding her body, while Donald Trump is more of the mind that abortions should not be allowed. Trump's running mate Mike Pence is one of the Republicans leading the fight to make abortions illegal. Whether or not you believe that it is moral or not to get an abortion, we should not make abortions illegal. Women who want an abortion will not let the fact that abortions are illegal stand in their way, and will have to resort to less safe abortion options. When abortions are illegal they become much more dangerous for the women.

Propaganda that vilifies women who get abortions and the doctors who perform them is inaccurate and dangerous to the future of safe abortions.

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