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What future does Trump really bring?

Since the outcome of the election I have been trying to rationalize how I will get the next four years of his rule, let alone our country. Here’s the thing about Trump’s campaign: relax; wait and see what he actually does in office. He has already gone back on many of his promises such as repealing Obama care and the wall that Mexico is supposed to pay for. Also as mentioned in XX Chromosome Trump has actually named two women to be a part of his cabinet despite his pervious sexist remarks.

Newt Gingrich, Trump’s nominee for Secretary of Sate, has released a statement saying the idea that Mexico was going to pay for a wall, was most likely a “campaign device”. So basically, one of his main ideas that led his election platform was a lie used as a catch phrase in order to gain followers. Equivalent to high school elections where kids would promise two lunches and vending machines with soda. But for a democrat, such as myself, I am finding a small amount of hope in the fact that some of the main things I found most appalling in his campaign to be the issues he is retreating on.

Being an entertainer and businessman, Trump had never run for office. So he looked at elections with a practical approach. What he saw was candidates basically say anything, promise anything to get elected. He was loud and unprecedented, saying many of the unkind things that many voters tended to hide if trying to be politically correct. He hit a nerve with his bombastic remarks and seemed to many voters a genuine candidate versus the political entity that was the Clintons.

What Trump promised during the election seems to not be as impotant because Trump simply played the election game to win, pushing the rules of say-anything-to-get-elected to win. Unfortunately, the rhetoric he used during his campaign played into the deep seated racism and fears of many U.S. citizens held close to their chest. Now what really matters going forward is what we will see President Trump to really be – hopefully being a person with much more kindness and integrity on display than Candidate Trump.

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